A warm welcome our new Chemical Engineering graduate student lab members: Dexter Antonio (Phd), Kevin Yates (Phd), Eric Knapp (MS), and Kiro Kelada (MS).
Former lab member, Dr. Ben Lindenmuth, visits the lab
Dr. Ben Lindenmuth visits the lab and presents on “Biopharmaceutical drug substance manufacturing,” at the Friday Biotechnology Seminar on campus. Pictured below (left to right): Karen McDonald, Ben Lindenmuth, Denneal Jamison-McClung, Abhaya Dandekar
Karen presents at Brazilian Minstry of Health’s Plant-Made Pharmaceutical Meeting
Karen spoke on techno-economic analysis at the Plant-Based Technology Trends Meeting held 2-4 Decemeber 2018 in Meireles, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Matt presents at the inaugural FOODIE conference
Matt gives a talk titled, “Techno-Economic Analysis of a Plant-Based Platform for Manufacturing Antimicrobial Proteins for Food Safety” at the Food Innovation and Engineering (FOODIE) 2018 conference. Pictured below is Matt (left) and fellow Chemical Engineering doctoral student, Konrad Miller Read More …
PERC Workshop
Karen and Somen with other collogues have organized a workshop on “Phytoengineering Research Center (PERC)” at UC Davis
Guest Editors for Recombinant Proteins
Karen and Somen have served as Guest Editors for special issue on Recombinant Proteins published by Journal of Molecular Sciences, December 2018. http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/special_issues/recombinant_proteins
The lab visits NASA’s Ames Research Center
The lab spends a day at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA to tour the facilities and learn about their different areas of research. Pictured below (left to right): Somen, Jon Galazka (NASA scientist), KK, Matt
The lab attends STAR Tech 2018
KK, Matt, and Jesse present posters at Space Travel: Adaptive Research and Technologies from Biological and Chemical Engineering (STAR Tech) 2018 conference in Houston, Texas.
The NASA CUBES team has a successful annual fall retreat
The Center for Utilization of Biological Engineering in Space (CUBES) team poses at lunch during the 11/19-11/20/2018 retreat at the University of California, Berkeley (Photo by Peg Skorpinski). Names of people in 4 rows, top to bottom: Sunggeun Woo Read More …
The lab hosts visiting Kyoto University students
Somen, David, and Matt pose with Risako and Masahiro from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering after presentations and group discussion.