Congratulations to Professor McDonald on a great oral presentation, and to Matt on his poster presentation.
Korn passes the Qualifying Exam
Congratulations to Korn on passing the Qualifying Exam!
Mary passes the Qualifying Exam
Congratulations to Mary on passing the Qualifying Exam!
Jasmine accepts internship with Sutro Biopharmaceuticals
Congratulations to Jasmine on accepting an internship with Sutro Biopharmaceuticals!
Sara receives ARCS Foundation Scholar Award
Congratulations to Sara on receiving the 2017-2018 ARCS Foundation Scholar Award!
David is awarded the CTSC TL1 Training Grant
Congratulations to David on receiving the 2017-2018 CTSC TL1 Training Grant!
David accepts internship with Novici Biotech
Congratulations to David on his internship with Novici Biotech!
David receives ISPE Bay Area Chapter Graduate Student Poster Award
Congratulations to David on receiving the 2017 ISPE Bay Area Chapter Graduate Student Poster Award!
Matt receives Young Scientist Travel Sponsorship
Congratulations to Matt on a Young Scientist Travel Sponsorship to the 2017 PBVAB conference!
Jasmine awarded Dissertation Year Fellowship
Congratulations to Jasmine on receiving the 2017-2018 Dissertation Year Fellowship!