Thank you Pauline for your year of research in our lab as a visiting scholar! We look forward to visiting in France!
Welcome to the lab, Rupak!
Dr. Rupak Goswami joins the lab for this academic year as a Visiting Professor and Fullbright Fellow working on, “identifying the efficient resource integration strategies in small farms of India and USA and assessment of their sustainability.”
Congratulations Dr. Jasmine Corbin!
Congratulations to Dr. Jasmine Corbin on completing her doctoral degree in our lab! Many thanks for your presence and research in the lab!
Welcome to the lab, Min!
Min Du has joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher working with the pilot-scale biroeactors!
Sara is awarded a Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group Travel Award
Congratulations Sara on receiving the BME Graduate Group Travel Award!
Sara is awarded an ISPMF bursary
Congrats Sara on being selected for the International Society of Plant Molecular Farming (ISPMF) bursary to attend the 3rd ISPMF conference in Helsinki, FI on 11-13 June 2018!
Sara presents at the UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Symposium
Congrats Sara on the poster presentation at the UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Graduate Research Symposium on May 4th! BMEGG poster 2018
David presents at the UC Davis Clinical Translational Science Center Symposium
Congrats David for your oral presentation at the UC Davis Clinical Translational Science Center 14th Annual Scholars Symposium on May 4th! Title: Characterization, In vitro evaluation, and techno-economic analysis of a plant-made alpha-1 antitrypsin Description: Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is one of Read More …
David publishes a paper in Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Congrats David on your publication “An oxidation-resistant, recombinant alpha-1 antitrypsin produced in Nicotiana benthamiana”! Publication Link (here)
Matt is awarded the 2018 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship
Congratulations Matt for being awarded the 2018 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship!